For More Information
Altar Server (Adult and Junior) – The Altar Servers assist the priest during Mass, bringing him the necessary items, corresponding to each part of the Mass.
Camino Young Adult Group - Join a group of young adults sharing life and faith, valuing one another, and connecting with the church’s story.
Catholic LGBTQ Ministry - The Welcome Table -This Catholic LGBTQ Ministry affirms that all the baptized, in the diversity of our sexual orientation and gender identities, are called to full participation in the life, worship, and mission of the church. The ministry fosters inclusivity, mutual understanding, and appreciation of all persons by promoting hospitality, education, and support to our LGBTQ+ members and their family, friends, and allies. (adapted from our friends at St. Patrick's, Memphis)
Children’s Liturgy - Children’s Liturgy of the Word gathers young children, generally ages 4 and older, for an age-appropriate experience of sacred scripture during Mass. We need leaders and aides to assist in this ministry. Training and materials are provided.
Christian Mothers/Ladies Guild - The Christian Mothers/Ladies Guild of St. Mary Magdalene Parish is primarily a religious group of women who get together to pray and plan different programs within the parish and support the parish in its various needs.
Cultural Action Team (CAT) - The Cultural Action Team members meet monthly to explore the wonderful and diverse races and cultures in our Parish with sensitivity, openness, and creativity. The team examines how we can improve interrelationships through understanding and acceptance of differences. This is an exciting and unique opportunity to shed the outer mantle and see the beauty within each of us.
Eucharistic Minister - The Eucharistic Ministers assist the priest with the distribution of Communion. Some of these ministers also take Communion to area nursing homes and the homebound.
Finance Council - Members of the Finance Council assist the pastor in providing good stewardship of parish financial resources, ensuring that sufficient means are available and allocated appropriately to carry out the pastoral mission of the parish. An understanding of business and finances is necessary to be part of this council.
Garden Club - The focus of this ministry is gardening! The Garden Club works in conjunction with the Maintenance Department. The Garden Club is focused on the improvement and maintenance of our church and school gardens.
Global Solidarity Partners - St. Mary Magdalene Parish seeks to grow in awareness of our brothers and sisters around the world who are victims of poverty, injustice, and war; to grow in solidarity with them in prayer; and act communally to support them in their struggles. Presently our global solidarity partners include Queen of Apostles Academy in Uganda, Partners in Progress, Bread for the World and Pittsburgh Catholic Diocesan Mission in Chimbote, Peru.
Lector - The Lector proclaims the Word of God, the Prayers of the Faithful, and any announcements at every Mass.
Martha’s Ministry - Martha’s Ministry is a group that exists to provide loving hospitality to our fellow parishioners in times of need. New baby, loss of a loved one, surgery, illness, or major life events, are all times we could use a hot meal delivered, help watering plants, bereavement planning, grocery runs, etc. Martha’s Ministry is named in honor of Jesus’ dear friend who concerned herself with the “details” of hospitality.
Money Counter - The money counters count, record, and deposit the offertory collections from all Masses.
Music Ministry - We invite singers and instrumentalists (high school and adult) to be a part of the weekly liturgies at St. Mary Magdalene Parish. We have three choirs: St. James Choir and Mother of Good Counsel Choir practice before Mass, and St. Bede Choir practices on Thursdays from 7:30-9 pm in the church at St. Bede. Come and make a joyful noise with us!
Parish Men’s Group – The Men's Group at St. Mary Magdalene Parish meets on the second Wednesday of the month. Each month has a different theme for discussion and faith sharing.
Parish Pastoral Council - Members of the Pastoral Council are a critical component of growing the Church Alive! and are tasked to keep before the faithful of the parish their baptismal commitment to make Jesus’ Mission the Mission of the parish. Members must be baptized, practicing Catholic members of our parish, active in our parish worship life, and at least 18 years of age.
RCIA - Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) is an opportunity for Catholics and non-Catholics to explore the Catholic Faith through Scripture. This evangelization program also reaches out to Adult Catholics who need preparation for Confirmation and/or Holy Communion or who are interested in enriching their faith.
Religious Education - Today more than ever there is an urgent need to give our children a moral and spiritual education. Children are bombarded every day with temptations that compromise their Catholic Faith. We strive to provide the youth of the parish with a stellar religious education program that arms them with the knowledge of the Faith. With this knowledge, our youth can live strong spiritual lives in the love of Christ and enjoy the riches of the Catholic Faith. We need catechists, aides, substitutes, and advisory board members!
Seasonal Planning & Decorating – The Seasonal Planning & Decorating Committee is a group of creative people who use their talents to enhance and support the worship spaces at Saint Mary Magdalene Parish. The goal is to provide a hospitable environment of prayerful participation. This is done by creating appropriate surroundings and rich symbolic representations in keeping with the liturgical seasons. The committee is responsible for planning and decorating our churches using flowers and other decorations to enhance the seasonal environment of our sacred worship spaces.
Social Events Committee – The Social Events Committee is responsible for the planning of social events such as the Feast Day of Saint Mary Magdalene Parish Celebration, the Century Club banquet, the Fall and Spring Parish Raffles, and other social and fundraising opportunities that benefit our parish family.
Social Justice & Peace - The Social Justice and Peace Committee mobilizes parishioners to understand and act on Catholic Social Teaching regarding pressing issues at the local, national, and international levels. Following the call of Jesus to love all people as our sisters and brothers, especially those who are poor, oppressed, or in special need, the committee’s focus is social action to change social policies for a more just and peaceful world.
Social Ministries & Community Outreach - Welcoming neighbors in need and assisting those who come to our door are at the heart of the Gospel call to love and service. St. Mary Magdalene Parish straddles some of the most impoverished neighborhoods of Pittsburgh. We do what we can to respond with mercy, to offer hope, and whatever tangible assistance seems appropriate and leads to other resources. We are proud to serve our parish communities with our Ministry Center, Parish Food Banks, Mary’s Child, and Stone Soup Garden.
Spiritual Enrichment - The Spiritual Enrichment for Adults Ministry is a group of parishioners working to support the ongoing faith journey of all members of Saint Mary Magdalene Parish. This ministry provides opportunities for learning more about our Catholic faith through planning retreats, faith sharing, discussion groups, Lenten and Advent activities, Brown Bag Lunch & Lectio Divina Prayer, and special events throughout the year.
Usher - The Ushers welcome people to our worship sites, pass the baskets during the collection, ensure order and safety during the Mass, and hand out bulletins at the conclusion of Mass.
Young Family Ministry - The mission of the Young Families Ministry of Saint Mary Magdalene Catholic Parish is to nurture a vibrant, faith-based community
where families can grow spiritually, build fellowship, and work towards a more just and compassionate world.
Youth Ministry - “Youth ministry is the response of the Christian community to the needs of young people and the sharing of the unique gifts of youth with the larger community.” (from Renewing the Vision: A Framework for Catholic Youth Ministry 1997 by the USCCB.) Members of the Youth Ministry committee help to develop and coordinate regular social activities while facilitating catechesis and faith sharing among middle and high school-aged parishioners.
The following ministries are affiliated with Saint Mary Magdalene Parish
Knights of Columbus - Charity is the first principle of the Knights of Columbus. Knights are men who get things done by volunteering time to serve the needs of our local parish and community. Our local chapter of Knights belongs to the global Catholic organization of the Knights of Columbus who together freely give countless hours of service around the world.
Knights of Peter Claver Ladies Auxiliary - The Knights of Peter Claver and Ladies Auxiliary provides opportunities for all Catholics to be actively involved in their faith by living the Gospel message. The Knights of Peter Claver and Ladies Auxiliary engages in a variety of church and community service projects.
Pittsburgh Mercy Faith Community Nursing - This ministry is in the discernment stage! If you are interested, you would be helping to establish a new chapter of this ministry at St. Mary Magdalene Parish. Faith community nurses are licensed registered nurses who practice the art and science of nursing with health ministry. Faith community nurses are mindful of the relationship between faith, spirituality, and health, and promote wholistic (whole-person) health for the persons and communities they serve.
Saint Vincent De Paul Society - St. Vincent de Paul Society's members reach out to the poor by home visits and corporal works of mercy, serving Homewood-Brushton, Lincoln-Lemington, and Wilkinsburg.
All volunteer positions require registration with the Diocese of Pittsburgh’s Safe Environment database, VIRTUS, and completion of all volunteer clearances and training. Please contact Melissa Viator by email: at [email protected] or by phone at 412.661.7222 x206. Melissa will help you to obtain and/or update clearances. Thank you for your commitment to Saint Mary Magdalene Catholic Parish through your time, talent, and treasure!